Platinum Multi Game Arcade Coffee Table with Hi-Fi, Flat Screen TV and Internet

The Platinum Multi Table Games Arcade Game of Liberty is a combination of a coffee table and a high-quality multimedia hub. Presented by Microsoft Windows OS, the device has a 22-inch LCD, an Intel dual core and a Logitech wireless touchpad. The company claims to combine the Platinum Arcade Game Table Multi easily on your Hi-Fi, flat screen TV and the Internet, surf to the web, listen to your songs and movies, all of which can be controlled from the comfort of your coffee table .

The Platinum combines modern design with advanced technology – a high-functional coffee table-quality, multimedia hub!

Table Platinum is the perfect example of the marriage between design and function really works – a modern, sleek looking piece of furniture that doubles as a standalone media hub.

Combining the latest technology, including a 22-inch LCD monitor, an Intel dual-core, Microsoft Windows, a Logitech wireless touchpad and the latest in the design of Colombia demonstrates, Platinum, you can have all your games, music, photos and files in the same readily available as tea, coffee and pastries.

Platinum Multi Game Arcade Coffee Table features:
  • Made in Britain from stainless steel
  • 22” LCD
  • Intel Dual Core
  • Microsoft Windows 7
  • Logitech Wireless Touchpad
  • Easily connects to your hi-fi, flat screen TV and Internet
All this in the comfort of your couch – what could be better!

Platinum Multi Game Arcade Coffee Table Price and Availability
The multi-Platinum selling arcade game table for £ 3000 about 4825 $.