Smoke Alarm Firetext Send Emergency SMS to Phone, Home Surveillance Equipment

Smoke Fire alarm SMS which is unique, smoke the same form as the diteksi tool. But it has a function to send SMS. This home surveillance equipment tool requires only one 9V battery and can send SMS to four phone numbers.

The Smoke Alarm Firetext smoke detector fire new text has a patented built-in SIM card, the texts up to 4 phone numbers of your choice, if smoke is detected. This makes it ideal for protecting the homeland requires people with special needs or disabilities or elderly, need extra care. It can also alert you or someone else when you are away on business or on vacation. You can then contact a neighbor or a relative or friend to investigate and take action. The possibilities are endless, vacancies, outbuildings, cottages, etc.

By sending text messages to your emergency sms contacts, the text promises to fire at home for emergencies to prevent and, ultimately, you are sure.

With all the strange, winding meals, I tried to reconstruct the past in many cooking fires and clouds of smoke need my attention. Fortunately, I was always there to prevent things from us from the hand was quickly. But what if I had the kitchen to the left unattended for any reason? Fire is the proposed solution to this dilemma.

Complete with a GSM SIM card is attached, is the late notification of the text layer to four emergency contacts pre-selected in the case of a fire recalcitrant. For those of you with a second or left unattended at home, this device could fully replace the expensive house-sitter you listed.

The smoke alarm firetext is supported in its development of the Alzheimer Society, Hertfordshire Fire & Rescue Services and has won an award from Barclays Bank. Suitable for all rooms that can accommodate people at risk or life-like special needs, disabled, elderly. Or free rooms, caravans, small business units, etc.

Complete instructions with each text Fire detector. Fixing requires two little screws and plugs in the ceiling (supplied) screw

Smoke Alarm Firetext Send Emergency SMS to Phone, Home Surveillance Equipment Specifications :
  •  Smoke Detectors photo-electro-optical – less sensitive to frost toaster!
  •  Can SMS your choice to four digits of your choice
  •  CE mark and complies with EN14604, AS3786 and UL217
  •  9V lithium battery included with accessories
  •  Battery lasts 2-5 years depending on use
  •  115mm diameter
  •  Depth 47mm
  •  Made by ELS
  •  2 year warranty
Smoke Alarm Firetext Send Emergency SMS to Phone, Home Surveillance Equipment Price and Availability
For the rest of you, but you might want to think twice before paying $ 144 plus the cost of the supplier of this additional security.